
"THE TAIL OF A SALAMANDER: One Man's Journey to Save A Stream" is a heartwarming, true story of accomplished architect and urban planner Mark T. Wright's quest to restore and preserve a North Carolina stream.

Along the way, he experiences unexpected personal transformation and revelations about the things that are most important in life. Following his daily activities, you'll want him to be your best friend, your neighbor, and the concerned citizen taking action.

Thoroughly committed to making change, he searches deep into his psyche and finds formerly undiscovered passion, inner peace and serenity.

His physical and spiritual journey is life-changing and inspirational revealing his resilience, wisdom, and indomitable spirit. A gorgeous book written by one of the most successful architects and planners in the United States.

Available from Wordee and whereever fine books are sold.

Paperback : 270 pages
ISBN-10 : 1959811347
ISBN-13 : 978-1959811343
Item Weight : 11.2 ounces
Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.61 x 8.5 inches


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